Western Supplies, Inc. ~ Material Safety Data Sheets


Before you may access the Material Safety Data Sheets
you must read and agree to the following disclosure.

The Material Safety Data Sheets ("MSDS") set forth on this web site contain health, safety and environmental information for you and your employees. They are not intended to replace the precautionary language, use, directions, or storage and disposal information which can be found on individual MSDS and/or product labels. If you print or download any MSDS, label or other product information from this web site, you may not obscure, amend, change or otherwise alter the language set forth in that MSDS, label or other product information. If you cannot download or print an MSDS on this web site, you should contact Western Supplies, Inc. at 800-215-0873 to request the current version of that MSDS.

Use of certain of the products identified on this web site may be regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("USEPA") through approved label copy. It is a violation of federal law to use such products in a manner inconsistent with their labeling.

Regulatory requirements are subject to change and may differ from location to location. It is your responsibility to ensure that your activities are in compliance with all applicable laws.

By accessing the MSDS, you agree to the restrictions on use listed above and further agree to abide by all health, safety and environmental precautions set forth in the MSDS.

If you agree to these terms, as well as this web site's Terms of Use, incorporated herein by reference, indicate your assent by clicking "I AGREE" below. If you do not agree, you may not use the MSDS.

DuPont Starblast XL


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1090 Rifle Range Rd.
Iowa Park, TX  76367

1090 Rifle Range Rd.
Iowa Park, TX  76367

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